Friday, August 12, 2011

Odds of allergic reaction?

I am very allergic to crustaceans and mollusks, so I'm really cautious about what I eat. My family has teased me about trying insect, and part of me wants to, but I'm afraid of having a reaction, because on top of a shellfish allergy, I'm allergic to several kinds of insects bites. What are the odds that I have a general arthropod allergy?

How do I get rid of moisture in my basement?

Well I want to make the basement my bedroom, I must admit that it would be quite awesome IF the moisture was gone. I don't want to move down there and then a month later have all my blankets, clothing, and little trinkets to get fuzzy, moldy, and just planed RUINED. I need a way to really get rid of the moisture and dampness for good that's INEXPENSIVE. I've thought of a de-humidifier but they're kind of on the pricey side. I need an inexpensive, effective solution.

Good idea to ask someone to prom?

I was asked in a weird way but it was cool: I was leaving work, n there was a letter on my windshield telling me to check my mailbox when i got home, lol, it was a goose chase of letters leading me to him standing in my yard with flowers n he gave me a box....asked if i would go to prom with him n told me to open the box before answering him......i opened it n it was a whistle, lol...I laughed n he said ok, now, dont blow it....just say yes...i said yes...

I need help with a gift for my boyfriend? my boyfriend and i are celebrating our half year next saturday...we decided that we are going to do homemade gifts. we decided that we are going to make each other homemade books..i have almost the whole book done but i need two more pages..i wanted to put a homemade trinket for one of the pages but i dont know what to do ...i wanna make him something that he can have with him at all times and really reminds him of me....he loves baseball and football...other than that ..we is just like an average guy....any ideas will help!!!

Can cats hold grudges or learn to forgive?

Comfort him, give him treats, let him sleep with you. Make him feel happy. He will forgive you soon.

Perjury on a driving log?

So, I'm turning 17 this month, and I have yet to acquire my driver's license. A lot of that has to do with laziness and not having time to focus on it earlier in the year, but that's another story. So, I have to document 50 hours of driving, with exact dates and amounts of time. Even though I did make sure that I've driven well over 50 hours, I have no clue when I did the driving. I'm planning on just filling out random dates and times, and then getting my dad to sign it. At the bottom, though, it says: "I swear or affirm that the information I have entered on this form is correct. I understand that making a false statement may constitute the crime of perjury." What I'm asking is whether or not that's just there to scare kids into actually driving instead of being lazy. Also if they'd actually make any attempt to accuse someone of perjury, or am I just too cautious?

My friend in the Pacific Northwest sent me this...?

It's from the siletz indian tribe. It represents the salmon run and the grain harvest. They're all over the place in Portland.

I am afraid to look up at the sky?

Well there must be a reason behind it. Did something happen to you when you were young the included the sky??? My opinion is you face your fear and see if that helps. When I was young I was terrified of dogs because I was bitten by one when I was very young. I use to run away from them. Once I faced my fear and got close to one I realized that the dog that bit me was one dog out of many. Now I'm not terrified of them, I'm still a bit tense but I don't scream and run from them lol ( sry bout the spelling I'm on my iPod)

Why my daughter blink excessively?

I think it's all in her mind. She used to clear her throat all the time, the sound is so annoying. And I know she didn't have any throat problem because I checked with the doctor. She had a strep throat test, it came out negative. I told her to stop clearing her throat all the time.....then she did - but now she switched to blinking her eyes all the time (excessively). It's even more annoying because it's hard to watch her. She's like from this mental institution who have abnormality or person who have problems. Her reason is that she have no control over it. I know she's just too conscious about herself and she starts doing this mannerism on her body. How can I help her, I bought her those eye drops to lubricate her eyes but still the same. She's a very uptight and cautious girl, even her teacher would tell me the same thing. How can I help her?

Is artillery shells illegal in oregon?

my neighbor gave us alot of artillery shells that shoots to the sky. i was just wondering if its illegal to use it in oregon.

Please read this and reply only if you are mature enough to handle it... (long)?

Tel him your sorry that you were rude and ask him for forgiveness, and pray that God will protect you from any evil things if he has or had other intentions.

Why are wild animals like cheetahs, geckos, dolphins, and whales, etc. so calm around humans?

Cheetahs have such a docile nature especially towards us humans and are like really tamed but why is that? Out of all the things i've read, researched and seen with my own two eyes is that cheetahs are very tolerate of us and we don't even have to cower in fear of attack even though we should be cautious at all times towards any "wild" animal regardless of the species but I remember watching big cat diary one time and Simon King was standing right next to a "wild" adult female cheetah and they were face to face without any fear towards one another and the cheetah was actually tolerating him and jumped up on the jeep sitting quietly and peacefully right next to simon but why? and usually when you go to places that contain captive cheetahs you're actually allowed to go in the enclosures with them, their basically like "wild" dolphins on land in a big cat's body lol but why are cheetahs contained with such a docile nature like dolphins and whales matter of fact why do most wild animals tolerate us being in their presents? It's like they love to interact with us....well egyptians have domesticated animals like cheetahs and hyenas and many other "wild" and domesticated animals but why do cheetahs, geckos, bearded dragons, dolphins, and whales, etc. have such a docile nature towards humans?

Since when was being cautious a crime?

Trust is earned, not given away freely. So you are right to not automatically trust someone that you've just met. But it sounds like you take it too far. While you don't have any reason to trust them YET, you also don't have any reason to not trust them. Unless they have broken your trust, you shouldn't have any mistrust toward them. And because you've just met, they can't have broken your trust yet. There's a middle, neutral ground where you don't trust or mistrust someone. THAT is where you should be with people you don't know. You're right to not immediately trust new folks, but you shouldn't go so far in the other direction. THAT is inconsiderate.

For those who don't like poetry, I have a solution, but how can I get an agent or publisher?

What you need to do is look at Duotrope's Digest, or the Poet's Market, most poets do not have (or need) an agent. You should be able to find a publisher, ready a manuscript and send it out with a query letter. Are you submitting to journals? Are your supporting poetry? Organizing readings? Subscribing to journals you like? Buying poetry from poetry publishers?

Is perjury even possible in this case?

So, I'm turning 17 this month, and I have yet to acquire my driver's license. A lot of that has to do with laziness and not having time to focus on it earlier in the year, but that's another story. So, I have to document 50 hours of driving, with exact dates and amounts of time. Even though I did make sure that I've driven well over 50 hours, I have no clue when I did the driving. I'm planning on just filling out random dates and times, and then getting my dad to sign it. At the bottom, though, it says: "I swear or affirm that the information I have entered on this form is correct. I understand that making a false statement may constitute the crime of perjury." What I'm asking is whether or not that's just there to scare kids into actually driving instead of being lazy. Also if they'd actually make any attempt to accuse someone of perjury, or am I just too cautious?

Who is your favorite Hunger Games character?

I really loved Cinna, actually? He really doesn't get enough love. I liked how he was subtly rebelling against the Capitol from the start and the fact that he wasn't just shallow like the rest of Katniss' prep team. He had a clue, and was working to make the world a better place, whether he was alive to see it or not. He is the reason that Katniss succeeded in everything she did, if you think about it. He was always a few steps ahead of everyone else, and his death didn't hinder his plan for Katniss, whatsoever. So, yeah! :D

Poll: Do you think the British Monarchy should be done away with?

I also have severe insomnia. I'm not sure about this, I think it's british tradition but then again it is the 21st century...

Is this poem any good?

If you wrote that i woudn't post it on the internet because someone could copy it and say they wrote it. But yeahs it good.

How many usage hours should I get on my iPhone 4?

I'm wondering how many hours of usage I should get on my new iPhone 4. I've had it for about 6 days, and I'm getting about 6 hours of usage and 8 hours of standby. That's if I unplug I in the morning after charging it through the night. My last charge, I unplugged it before I went to bed after it sat at 100 for awhile. I let it sit through the night, and right now it's 7:15 pm. My battery is at 52% and I've tried not to use my iphone very much because I was cautious of the battery. My usage is 3 hrs 34 min. My standby is 15 hrs 42 min. That is after I let it sit through he night off the charger until now. Is this normal battery life? Or is mine defective? I don't know what to expect because this is my first smartphone.

I'm 15 and I'm not a Virgin, does this make me a *****?

I mean yes people are going to think of you as that because you are only 15, but like you said you shouldnt care. I think that 15 is probably too young to be having sex, but if thats what you want to do then fine. I also think that just because you had sex with one guy that doesnt make you a ****. If you were a kind of girl who slept around with everyone than that would be different


i am thinking of buying a new tv the one i like has built in freewier and stuff i wanted to know do i need to have a dish ontop of my house in order to use this freeview or can i use it without it if i have to have one can my pre-existing sky digital satalight dish work with it?

I paid good money to watch a injured boxer who admitted he couldn't give it his all. Anyone else feel conned?

I watched it on the internet and it was good quality and worked all the way through the 12 rounds. I'm not paying 16 or so pounds just to watch boxing when I can easily stream it on the internet.

Its been 4 days since I had 4 of my bicuspid teeth removed and I am wondering if I can have carbonation yet?

Also, what else I can eat? Because I have been very cautious, but still not sure what I can eat. The blood clot seems to be healing well, but i don't want to ruin the progress and bust it.

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is the point of praying if God doesnt answer my prayers?

I really want to know. And no I dont ask for shiny trinkets or a million dollars. I only ask for things I feel I need.

Where can i find cute little animal/toy/trinkets that go on the car dashboard?

someone please help me I have looked everywhere online and I am not sure if I am wording it right but I am looking for dashboard trinkets like a hula girl dashboard doll but I am looking for these one's I have seen on these 2 chinese girls cars so I'm not sure if it is a big thing in china or what but there were 3 dolls, one was like a little panda or something on a swing, the other was a little animal in a flower pot with 2 leaves waving up and down and the third one I'm not really sure , it might have been like a little hello kitty or something but I thought they were the cutest thing and i was hoping somone knew where to find them. Thanks.

Why do people keep asking if I am autistic?!?

Because you're hanging out with the wrong people. Really, given the tone and frequency of your posts, you should be living in another city and time.

Girls only, What do you think about the new Vw bug?

NOT ASKING FOR AAANNNYYY GUY OPINION. Ok so I bought a 2010 vw so that I would have my dream car before they made the new model. Now I am kinda sorta regretting it. I love mine, because it still has that bubble design that I really enjoy. The thing is that the new one has more little trinkets. I don't like the red and black interior, but I LOVE that it has navigation and I think it has controls to turn up the stereo from the steering wheel. I love my car but, I would really love navigation in mine. I feel bad because my parents bought it for me and there like "Do you think we shouldn't of gotten it for you, should we have waited?" I feel horrible that I did this to them. Is the new model better or old model? I prefer "More flower, Less power". Thanks xoxoxoxoxoxo- Elle

Does the Bible God condone killing babies, girls, boys, women, and men?

In the old testament people thought God was a punishing God, but then in the new testament Jesus arrived and said that that was not true... So yes God is some loving (caring) person in the sky

Will the fight be repeated in the uk?

As it was broadcast on pay per view it is unlikely to be shown free on any channel. Unfortunately that is one of the down sides to cable/Satellite television.

Why would a cat be attracted to nylon bristles?

yeah I love cats but cats are crazy. I've seen cats basically chew on anything from cardboard boxes to flowers, and every cat's different. Maybe try to find something else he likes to chew on, there are probably toys similar to those items.

Mana curve suggestions?

You have to list cards with X is their cost in a separate category. You really need more than one copy of the key in your deck as that grindclock doesn't work too well as is. If you were able to put a counter on that grindclock AND mill the same turn would make that card remotely close to good, thus the four copies of voltaic key. You also need four copies of the grindclock because an artifact is more useful in the long run than a sorcery. Also that crab is not terribly useful if you don't have landfall in your deck because without the landfall it is too slow. If you plan on making that a big part, then you need to throw in some tap to look for a land lands, like terramorphic expanse or those expensive ones that you tap, pay a life and sac to search for one of two basic lands. So unless you want to go for the crabs and add in the land search, I would take those out and add more grindclocks and voltaic keys.

Teen girls: What would your dream room be like?

The walls would be white and silver. I would have this really nice bed that is either purple or pink. The room is huge! On one side of the room is a rack of tons of earrings. On one is a rack of rings. A rack a necklaces. I would have a table of cosmetics and lotions and perfumes. I would have a special stand for my guitar. Then I would walk into a separate room with billions of clothes and shoes! Then I would have this really nice music player that is back and white. The windows would have purple (or pink) drapes. There would be this huge window on one side that would let the sun shine in! I would have chandeliers. I would love to have this room. I had a dream about it once and it was perfect!!

Please help How did Cortes conquer the Aztecs? What might he have done differently?

Here is professional language translator that can help you a href="" rel="nofollow"

How do I show this girl I am interested without making it obvious (10 points)?

Just ask her what she thinks about something your group just did or is planning to do. A natural conversation will start and take things from there!

Fish picking on each other?

I'd put him back in, if he doesn't calm down then I would keep a good watch. If the platy seems injured then get rid of the aggressive fish and keep experimenting on different tank mates.

How would ancient natives who lived in caves know what a helmeted space suit or a jet airplane look like?

Cave drawings from all around the globe depict space suited beings in helmets with antennae ( to communicate with the UFO ???), and unidentified flying objects. Some that look like the UFOS that have been seen and reported around the globe recently, the Mayan Indians had a gold trinket that looked like a jet aircraft it was tested for aerodynamics and was found to be aerodynamically sound. So do you think they had a vision from god or did aliens land here during the stone age!

Should I see a doctor for this brain pain?

You definitely need to go see a doctor about it. It sounds like a problem with a muscle in your neck or jaw.

Too much dialogue????

Nope, it's just about right. In a few short sentences, you established that the girls are worried for a friend, said friend has drastically changed her hair and life, and 'ethan' has some special significance to the narrator, not neccessarily a romantic one. Good work!

What ethical issues can be found in this scenario?

My son is exempt from an shots containing a "live" virus, he became very ill after receiving the chicken pox vaccination....So I can see where it is scary to vaccinate, and scary not to vaccinate. My son has also been diagnosed with Autism, which has been linked to certain vaccinations. I do believe the risks involved in receiving shots is not as open as they should be, your told its the law to get in school you must have them. It a very complex question that you ask, if i did not go through what i have with my son, i would be biased to making people get the shots, because of the lack of knowledge I had towards negative effects of immunization. The government lets you know little of this, and are not responsible if something goes wrong...but they make you do this.

How do I open port 22 *SSH* to selected machines only? *I.E So only they can SSH in* on Win7?

One thing I like *Yet has me cautious as well* about Ubuntu is that port 22 is open. This may also be a problem too since someone can brute force into that port as well *Guessing, I don't know much about ports and only know basics of SSH* so I want to know, how do I make it so that my devices can SSH into my Windows 7 box? I can always do it the hard way and do it from Ubuntu and search the partition that it's on, but I want to know how to open SSH port. I understand this may be dangerous, but I just want to make it a bit easier.

Do your kids get easter baskets?

This'll be the first year we'll be doing Easter - our daughter just didn't get it last year. We have plastic eggs and some small toys (like party favors) for inside. She doesn't like chocolate or most candy so we're skipping that.

I want to mail people letters?

Are they international letters. Maybe you could include a picture postcard in them or perhaps a small flag of your country. Perhaps you could make the recipients a bookmark with their name on it.

Am I on the right path with this girl who has very strict parents (10 points)?

She might be into older guys. My guess, talk to her more. Girls love it when guys make the effort to talk to them first. She is obviously interested into you. Girls love funny guys. Just don't joke around about rude things. Make her laugh, buy her an ice cream. Talk about her interests. Find things that you guys have in common, and use that to your advantage. She sounds flirty. So flirt back but don't come on to strong. And whatever you do, never ask for a picture. Girls hate that. It puts them on the spot. Use sweet words and gestures. About the parents, I would wait until you guys get closer. If you your cards right, you can take them all out to dinner. Get the parents permission first. When asking her out. Then it makes it easier to hang out with your girl. Hope this helped!

Uk Sky phone line customers?

Would a call to an 0207 number be free on evenings and weekends? I have lost my info pack so im not sure if it comes under the free calls thing

Clip in hair extensions?

Go on to youtube it'll show you. If your hairs short get them cut into you length. Usually you section your hair, put them in, let the hair fall and repeat that until their all in.. xx

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Will Tiger Airways resume flights after 9th July?

Most Tiger Airways flights should operate on/after 9th July. But expect some delays during the first few days because they will have ALOT of catching up to do

Room Cleaning Techniques?

In my room, I have a desk covered with papers and junk, 2 bookshelves with organized books but some random trinkets that need to find a home, a unclosable dresser because if the amount of clothes with tons of jewelry strewn across the top, and a nightstand with more jewelry and trinkets strewn across even though I have places to put the jewelry, and in my closet I have a chest where I keep shoes, jackets, and bags. On my floor i have more than half my clothes, shoes, trash, books, sheets. I also have a suitcase that needs unpacking and school stuff that needs to be sorted. Speed is NOT important, I need it clean in two weeks, can someone give me a daily schedule on how to clean it so I don't have to be stuck doing it in one sitting?

Why would my boyfriend do this?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months. In the beginning of our relationship I snooped around his apartment (I know this is wrong) and came across a box he had with memorobelia from his ex girlfriend (cards, letters, little trinkets, etc.). Well, for V-day and several other holidays I've given my boyfriend cards or letters. He has kept them for a little while, but then he throws them away. I would never throw away something he gave me and I'm not sure why he would throw away the stuff I gave him, but yet keep the things his ex girlfriend from 3 years ago gave him. He even moved across the country and took this stuff with him. But mine gets dumped in the trash! I asked him why he threw it out and he didnt have much of an answer. I got really upset and said "so you dont keep things from your ex girlfriends like this" and he outright lied and said no. I couldn't call him out because then he would know I snooped. Is this something I should be upset about? What does it mean?

A poem I posted elsewhere but having a hard time figuring it all out --cc?

Well I really like this poem , very interesting read Its a funny and touching poem , but perhaps it's also about being different ... Love it I do .. but then I love different thank you

Dragon Age 2: Okay, So, exactly how much is 50% rivarly/friendship points?

I'm a little fuzzy on just how much this is- Is it when the companion bar is maxed to one end or the other? Or is when you guestamate that it's 50% towards the rival/friendship? I'm a bit confusion, or maybe I'm over thinking/ being too cautious. Better safe than sorry? I rather not trust myself and be wrong and waste aaaaaaall this time.

What do you call a person like this?

I think he just pities you! And they need to grow up and learn that not everyone in the world is going to have a lot of money!!

Why are they shooting fireworks now?

there were lots of fireworks in the sky yesterday, and right now they are shooting hundreds of them here. i live in grand rapids michigan

Why am i paying 19.99/ per year?

That's because you're using Yahoo Mail PLUS, you don't get upgraded stuff for free you know. Suck it up or use the regular one. I'm pretty sure they spend waaaay more then $20 a year to keep renewing the program.

I don't understand my parents logic, help?

I'm really frustrated. My mothers spends thousands on clothing and trinkets for herself. For mothers day, she received an expensive purse, and a few weeks later she bought my father an equally expensive watch. However, if I try to buy something like more pens for school, she will throw an extreme fit and start yelling and screaming. I really cannot understand. What is her logic? Is it because she believes she is the 'boss' of the house? I'm the primary caretaker of my brother and sister, I watch them all day while my father either works or shops with my mother, or watches tv. I'm just really confounded by their behavior, and I can't think of any stressors that wound trigger it.

What Do You Buy from Artist Alley at Anime Cons?

I personally have bought many anime figures, chain mail jewelry, cat ears, Japanese style umbrellas, hair accessories, bun bun hat, sushi plush toys, custom art, and so much more XD

If God were to ,(let's say) appear in sky so as to be viewed by all the people of the world(6 billion or so)?

And ask them to convert to Christianity and live your life like ,ehh .. the pope (except perhaps you can marry and do some other work to raise family). Then ,what would you do? What about free will and the process of divine(or natural) selection of good people who choose to believe on their own over people who dont believe.Then is their any meaning for the concept of belief(just as there would be not be any concept of light if there weren't any darkness). Iam not sure of the audience for this question,but this has been a doubt for me for some time and i guess i expect fellow Christians and i can sort of guess the reply from atheists...

What Should I get Sky Sports 1 or 2?

it will be mostly SS1 but at time SS2 because SS1 will show the football scores, SS2 will most likely show the champions league games, which is hard to call in your position

Small gift for my boyfriend...?

My boyfriend is going away for the weekend and I want to give him something special so he'll think of me. I want to give him a little trinket that doesn't have a meaning but has a saying to go with it to give it a meaning. Any ideas?? Thanks!

Graduation Basket Ideas?

So for friends birthdays, i always make baskets with a bunch of stuff in them. . usually theres one expensive present, and then a bunch of other little trinkets and candy and such. My best friend is graduating from college later on in May and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas of things to put in this basket. They dont all need to relate to graduating or moving on in life, but things along those lines would be perfect. For a girl BTW

Christians help me with this one.?

Christians are starting to say that God is the Who and Why the universe was created and science is the how to understand it. Is this just another tactic of the people of the book trying to fit their fantasy beliefs into hard data to gain converts and keep the ones they have? If god is supernatural and can create miracles, ie. Raising of lazarus, parting a sea, pluage of frogs falling from the sky, then why does science exist? These things suppossedly happened with no scientific data to back them up. Why the different approach? One minute doing things out of thin air that cannot be explained (miracles), another leaving quantifiable data aroundto be studied and researched. Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

Am I on the right path with this girl who has very strict parents (10 points)?

Inbox her on fb and say something along the lines of.."hey, not trying to be too forward or anything but I think you're really cute and a pretty cool person. And I'd like to get to know you better. Sooo.. is it possible for me to get your number so we can talk?"

My opinion: Obama is a cautious leader, not someone who is interested in rapid historical change. Do you agree?

The health care bill is proof that you are wrong. They could have worked on a bill that addressed the problem, put it out there for the public to see since it is we who will have to live with it and upon suggestions from all factors changed it to form a very good bill for the American people but it was backroom deals and after hours cocktail meet and greets and we are stuck with a 2700 page health care debacle that will take years and years to either fix or repeal... Meanwhile more and more waivers are being given to the same organizations that supported the catastrophe. It could have been done right but folks were more interested in making history.

Why do the religious try to make their holy books seem meaningful?

People who write about immaterial, imaginary, invisible, improbably, all-powerful sky monkeys deserve only derision.,

Do You Think Velvet Sky Is The Main BabyFace TNA Knockout?

Even though Mickie James is the TNA Womens Champion, it seems as if Velvet is more of a face then Mickie because if you think about it Velvet has beef and an issue with just about every heel knockout. Shes feuded with Sarita & Rosita. She feuded with Winter & Angelina Love, She feuded with Madison Rayne & now shes feuding with ODB & Miss Jackie. I think shes a great face and honestly my current favorite knckout, what do you think about her? what do you think about the rest of the knockouts? whos your favorite? who do you like and not like?

What are "Trinkets"????

What are some examples of "trinkets"? I know they're little bits and bobs, but what exactly are they? What pieces are they?

The guy I liked just asked me who I like ?

So there's this guy that I kind of am beginning to like. He's nice. And we text alot. We're 15. But he always flirts with everyone too. So he asks me who I like and I'm cautious of what to say. Do I say it's him?

How do you deal with a boss who's crossing boundaries from the get go?

I recently was hired as a temp through an agency for this company I have been working for a month or more. The first week I was there, my supervisor, pretended that he was going to slap me. Through me for a loop! It was strange and unprofessional but I went with it. Since then, I have dealt with him talking to me about his family and other's all strange to me, is this normal or should I be cautious or look for another job? Help! They are also thinking of hiring me perm, but should I take the position if all others are beginning to follow his lead? What do I do?

1999 BMW 323 or 2002 Lexus 300gs?

The BMW has 150000 miles and the Lexus has 240000... Any thoughts or ideas that can help me decide which to go with? I like the Lexus but I am a lil cautious of the high mileage... Help!!!

GUYS: help me out with this please?? mixed signals!?

he's definitely acting important with you so try not texting him wait until he gets the feeling to want to text you and know about you or might even want to hang out with you because if he's interested he would've asked u out a long time ago.

Help! Questions regarding city appraisal and acquisition of property from property owners of Charlotte!?

Yes, the city of Charlotte is planning to purchase your parent's home and land to use for a public project. Preventing the appraiser from entering your property will not make any difference, except it might prevent him from properly evaluating the property. Additionally, he has the law on his side, so when he returns, he will probably be accompanied by a police officer. Unfortunately, there is very little homeowners can do to prevent their property from being purchased by cities once they decide they want it. It's called Eminent Domain, and if people hold out for more money, the city will simply have the land condemned and the residents removed by law officers.

Someone who can interpret dreams: does my dream have a meaning?

I think most all dreams are based on the emotions we felt during the day. Looks like you want to help people but you yourself need someone like your mother to help with you. By the way, the more intelligent one is, the more dreams they have.

My father died with no will, what am I entitled to?

My father passed away and he had no will. He ws divorced from my mother and was married again. She is not cooperating with me at all. They did not own a home, but had joint bank accounts and I believe he had a life insurance policy from his place of employment that was given to him when he retired. And the wife is not being cooperative about personal belongings like pictures, trinkets, golf clubs (which she does not use) and old stuff that my father and I used to buy (we like to think we were 'american pickers' - when he was still alive he would pass things along to me and I would sell them on ebay) My dad always talked of me getting this and that, I know he wanted me to have things but I guess he never filled out a will. And here is a real kicker, the wife got the honors of the flag from the military funeral - now everyone tells me that the oldest son is supposed to receive the flag. It has just been terrible - my father is gone and all I got was a prayer card and a bullet shell (from the funeral) I have heard of probate but it sounds like that is more for property like a house or something. Is there any thing I can do about bank accounts, personal belongings? We live in NY - I know sometimes the state has different guide lines.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I don't know how to handle this...?

When you have a child invovled, you cant waste time. You can talk to him about anything you are concerned with. You have that right. You gotta think about you and your daughter first!

Can anyone suggest some careers for me to look into?

Seems like you are having a lot of confusions with regards to what career path would you take. All that I can advice is that you think it a hundred times first before you settle for something. Reflect on it and analyze very well what is really close to your heart because that will lead you to success in the future. Good luck!

Am I obliged to buy my friend a gift of equal value?

No. I'm sure she did not expect a gift in return. There is nothing more irritating than doing something nice for a friend and having that friend think there is an immediate need to return the favor. I think the thank you note alone will do just fine. There may come a time in the future when you can do something nice for her, but now is not the time.

Vaio Laptop wont connect wirelessly to sky modem?

How do I get my laptop settings to match my sky sagem com modem it just wont work ! it connects but then says limited activity

Too much dialogue????

I don't think there's any such thing as too much dialogue. Hell, I've read novels where there is literally nothing *except* dialogue. I mean, the entire point of writing characters is to have them interact with each other, right? How are they going to do that properly if they don't have conversations?

What's the name of that song that sounds like a reggae-thon hip hop song?

I think the lyrics goes something like this...vroom vroom when u ran come along....can u guys figure it out cuz im lost...thanks! They always play it on tv.. it's kinda old now but it makes u want to dance....something like Nina Sky would sing.

Please Help Me! Is the world ending right now? There is a loud banging and grumbling sound in the sky!?

I'm so scared! Outside my house, there is this loud banging and popping sound and grumbling coming from up in the sky! It's been going on for about 45 minutes now! At first I thought it was gun shots and then I got courage and I looked outside and got a slight glimpse and I saw this this red colorful stuff floating up in the air. Then it just blew up and it looked like fire and I thought it was coming towards me so I freaked out and closed the window and ran down stairs to the basement. I'm so scared, I'm still down in the basement right now crying and I'm scared to come up! Please help!!!

I've met an extremely cautious girl and I like her but what should I do next (10 points)?

Well when y'all r with a group of friends hanging out and when she waves go talk to her keep it friendly, u don't want to scare her off. Also if u feel in your heart that she likes u then she probably does. Just follow your heart, she could be the one, and if she is the one love her with all your heart and never hurt her.

Which university degrees?

We are amongst a time were university degrees are sky high and in the current economic climate graduates are struggling to find employment. So I was wondering, which university degrees are desirable and which are best to be avoided?

I like this guy, but I don't know how to approach him?

Your very pretty all honesty 100% and I think you should just relax a bit when you see him that feeling when you see him, yeah you know the one lol just suppress it as much as you can and think that it's just a guy not "the" if you get my message haha and talk to him as a guy myself I won't be mad or think your weird or anything but If your just sitting near me a lot and we've never spoken I'd feel a little not awkward just this gap iono hard to explain but you should just talk to him just say Hi and then build a convo like say I find it weird I see you a lot and I've never talked to you once or something like that and just flirt along have confidence and remember if you have that I feel like an idiot feeling know that you tried :) good luck pretty lady

Have you ever broken any bones?

I'm lucky enough to not have broken any bones... although I did almost sever my thumb off with a knife between the joint when I was like 2... the doctors stitched it back up though so now theres only a faint scar there... I can't move it backward in a hitchhiker pose though but otherwise it functions normally. :)

Does it ever get hot along Lake Superior in Minnesota?

I know that inland areas of Northern Minnesota get hot a few times a year - and they average in the upper 70's for highs in July, but I was wondering if it ever gets hot in Grand Marias or Sky Harbor? For example, on July 1, DULUTH INTERNATIONAL hit 91 degrees, while at the same time, Grand Marias and Duluth Sky Harbor remained only at 51 degrees! 40 degrees colder! I was wondering if coastal areas such as these ever get hot? Is the weather of Duluth more representative of the international airport or Sky Harbor? I could not believe how cold it was on July 1st of this year in those areas. If anyone lives in Duluth and remembers July 1st, was it more like 90 degrees outside or was it in the 50's?

MTG Question: Which is better?

I think that you should put the Ardent recruits in the deck. This is because on first turn, glint hawk will ste you back one turn. Also, later game, the recruit will become a 3/3, which isn't too shabby.

Question on breakage?

As I was reading this, I thought, "Oh gosh how many thousands of dollars worth of stuff was ruined?" I would just offer $100 and see what they say. I would also bring this up to the person who owns the spaces and tell them next time, you will sue them for faulty walls or something. The dividers should be sturdy enough for expected use, and apparently they are not.

Why do people ask if I am autistic?

Because these days anyone who is even remotely "different" is labeled Autistic. One "study" claims that 1 in every 20 boys has Autism! This is getting ridiculous!!

Wow, is anyone else seeing the sky in Detroit?

I just posted on facebook about how orange everything is outside. My neighbors house is white and it looks like a pumpkin now...WTF?

What happens when the sky turns black ? - various amounts of colors?

so in the area that i'm in right now the sky has went from regular (blue), to yellow, orange, pink, then red & now BLACK , True Story . . . It's Kind Of Creeping Me Out. x.x" what does this mean?

Name of the 90's company/magazine where kids could sell products and earn prizes or cash?

My cousin and I used to sell products from this kids company. You could buy magazine subscriptions, chocolates, little home trinkets like stationary, random knick knacks etc. and in turn the kids would earn prizes or cash for how much they sold. we have been trying to remember the name and I've googled it numerous ways and can't figure it out. Its likely no longer in business but its KILLING me! Help lol I think it possibly started with a C or an S anyone know?!

Possibility of being pregnant?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, and recently had sex for the first time. We were extremely cautious, switched condoms every so often if it shifted, etc. After each time (this was all in one night,) he blew up the condom. None of them deflated. He ejaculated in one, but only after I told him to pull out way before he felt it coming. Fact of the matter is, I'm 6 days late, and I'm praying it's due to stress. Any ideas? Thank you.

This boy keeps texting me. Does it mean anything?

This boy from my school that I have never talked to before texted me the other night. He said that he got my number from my friend. I thought it was a joke at first because that was seriously the first time that I've ever talked to him so I just ignored the text. A few days later, he texted me again and kept texting me for a while. I wasn't sure if he was joking/making fun of me or just being friendly, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt this time. While he was texting me, he kept saying super weird things, like "I take really long showers" or "I like to buy clothes at Marshalls." Those are normal if I know you, but not someone I'm talking to for the first time, so I sort of started to feel like maybe he was with his friends and they were playing a joke on me. This could make sense because he belongs to what you may call the "popular" group of kids, whereas I do not. He proceeded to text me and then he invited me to hang out with him at the beach some time. I said "maybe we could do that", just trying to be cautious and make sure that I didn't promise I would hang out with him so that I could easily get out of it if I have to. I told my friend that I thought he was making fun of me with his friends, and she said that she doesn't think so because he gets this way when he likes a girl. But I don't see how he would like me if he doesn't even know me! What do you think this all means? Do you think he is being a sincerely friendly guy, who just says some awkward things, or do you think he is playing a joke with his friends? Please help!! I want some opinions before I decide whether or not to hang out with him.

Need SERIOUS opinion on situation..guys advice may be helpful!?

Stop responding to him. He is acting like he wants nothing to do with you, so stop talking to him and see what happens.

Guys, I need your help!?

Whats up! These kinds of questions are hard to answer, mostly because you can describe this guy on the outside, how YOU see him, and how he is at school, but theres times when he COULD be completely different when you're not around, and when its just him and his best buds. So it's really hard to tell if this kind of guy would like the kind of person you say you are. Also, I can honestly tell you, that guys can be VERY judgmental, not saying all, not saying the guy you like, but in general there are pricks out there who will throw words around with their friends. I, unfortunately, hang out with a couple of those guys. I do have a story though, one of my "judging" friends used to rant about this girl in his class, how she "looked like this" and "sounded like that" and how annoying she was in class, but now they're pretty close friends. So although he COULD be a person that judges people, doesn't mean you still don't have a chance with him, because people DO change. I know that you said you're uncomfortable around guys, honestly, unless he has TON's of "girl" friends, most guys are really fidgety around girls too. The last thing I'll say is, don't worry too much about it, picturing the personality you described you had, I know a few "girl" friends who have that kind of personality, and my pals and I think they're the funnest people to be around. Sorry that this isn't really an "answer" but I just hope you know, in the end, if things just don't happen to work out with you and him (hoping it does), there are plenty of good-hearted guys out there. HOPE THINGS WORK OUT! =D

In the cultural exchanges between the colonists and eastern Native Americans,?

The third answer is the best, but it was the Native Americans who helped the colonists. We really didn't know what to do in terms of survival, so the Indians help out.

What are cultural significant items to the country of Argentina?

I need to make something for class that isn't food or drink. This can be a drum or trinket whatever it may be. any ideas?

Sky Anytime Plus help?

I recently set up my Sky HD box to receive anytime plus and there was a veritable banquet of movies and tv shows to see. Now, for some reason, I go on and there is only a handful of shows in each category including the films (of which there used to be hundreds). Have they reduced the package or do I need to resent the box?

I'm a leo but feel like a failure of a leo?

your a cool leo...u dont give a f about the world you are a realest girl out their and you the best in the world aquarius and in my life i did all the wrong things i started stealing when i was 4..i started to sneak into my parents car to drive it when i was 5 ..i been bad my whole life was fun..but then cops took away my freedom..theirs no freedom in america not with these cops

What are the best things to have on a trip to New York City?

I am going to New York City for the first time on Monday the 27th and i was curious, what are some Must Haves for my trip to achieve the maximum amount of enjoyment . And not just things like sunscreen and sneakers but cool little handy tools or trinkets like a solid metal wallet. Stuff like that.

Are there any toy shops in Koreatown NYC?

I wanted to do some last-minute shopping for kawaii toys and trinkets before I leave NYC tomorrow on the 2:00pm train. Koreatown is a lot closer to our hotel than Chinatown, but the question is, does it have cute and cheap stuff like Elizabeth Center? Thanks! Quickest & Most helpful response will be the best answer!

My computer is slowing down!!!?

Recently my laptop has been pretty slow. It was running fine for about 8 months until just 2 weeks ago when it dramatically slowed down. I do download stuff from but I'm cautious with that stuff. How can I fix, or find out the problem?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do girls like little trinkets and stuff?

I made my girlfriend a necklace and was just wondering, do girls really like that stuff or do they just wear it 'cause you gave it to them?in my opinion necklaces are kind of bothersome and uncomfortable but hey that's just me...

Name an interesting trinket that you've found...?

either in your grandparents house, or your aunt/uncles house or your own home that you really have a fondness for?

Spiritually speaking I guess, is it okay for me to love my best friend over my family?

My best friend is my soul mate, and so is my sisters. There is this pull of energy we all share that makes us connected. I was raised a Christian but I view the world and God different I guess due to my gift. However Love is the greatest power. It's the soul who you are connected too. I think it is beautiful you can experience this with your best friend, no better person to understand then the person who knows who you are under your skin! We all have a purpose in life. If you feel you are born to love this person then love on and don't feel guilty about it! Just embrace it! Your family should be happy that you can love this much and how happy it makes you! Namaste...

Do you think my coaches would really do this?

You don't say if you go to a public or private school but almost all school systems have a process for removing someone from a position and nearly none of them authorize one coach or group of coaches to make hiring decisions. The school has policies that govern this and the coach has a contract. What you describe is like a fellow student saying to another student that they want you kicked out of the school. Isn't going to happen.

Why do people say you are not "manly" if you dont follow football?

American football carries the same stereotypical connotations for American males. The ones who enjoy it don't understand why others don't and are less likely to accept it than females. Personally, I know men who don't follow and I don't think any less of their masculinity for it. You are who you are and it sounds like the people you're referring to are too superficial to accept that.

Ways to improve internet?

It's getting to me now that our internet is incredibly bad. We're on Sky Broadband. I can't game due to lag everywhere I can't watch things online and it's really starting to get to me. Is there ANYTHING I can do to improve our internet

I don't feel like myself. Could it be because of "love"?

Honey u absolutely Need to snap out of this this man is old enough to be your father.. It's hard because your blinded by love but as an outsider looking in this is totally wrong and I highly doubt he has any good intentions please don't go back to him just relax and believe in yourself your only 19! You have all the time in the world to find some1 that fits your standards live your life and dw about finding some1 love truly occurs when your least expecting it don't downgrade yourself to some1 like that. Oh and it's ok to be quiet and reserved so long as you ate able to open up to some1 eventually

Why does this keep happening in my dreams?

Well with ESP u most likely have favorite sceneries to dream in but dreaming locations need time to reboot to recharge they can't do this in day time unless you sleep in the daytime so they must do it at night well your sceneries are charging ur mind has to offer u new dreaming sceneries so just roll with it and go to sleep another thing is that dreams are controlled from the back of the brain so if u have always controlled ur dreams then some of the brain is also charging so some of that stuff has to come out in the dreaming cycle

Confused about his feelings towards me?

IF he does want to be more than friends, I don't see it in what you gave us. He MAY like you, but fighting and a few looks, even if you think the looks are 'jealous' isn't much support for him liking you.

Help me with an idea for my poem?

I think that your idea is good. Also, so far your poem is good, but you should describe things a bit more, like what was she strolling past, and where exactly is she? ect ect

Question about the effects of warp drive on the space that lies on the path of space being warped?

Say an alien spacecraft wants to travel from point A to B and earth lies directly in it's path. That means that the spacecraft would have to warp it's way through Earth to reach point B. So, when earth is being warped, would we experience any changes to our surroundings? changes on how we experience space and time? would our surroundings look distorted or something like that? Would the position of the stars in the night sky look somehow distorted or out of place perhaps? Could we even die from this? haha

Is this guy still crazy?

Me: -.- My friend: Do not listen to her, anyways, i would be cautious because you dont want him to hurt his boyfriend.

Which university degrees?

We are amongst a time were university degrees are sky high and in the current economic climate graduates are struggling to find employment. So I was wondering, which university degrees are desirable and which are best to be avoided?

Why am I hesitant/shy to get into a relationship?

You need to respect your feelings and listen to your gut. Things DO go wrong. There are a lot of reasons it may not work well as seen in the high rate of divorce. Are you being pressured by people ? It is possible you just do not want a relationship. As simple as that. There is nothing wrong with that so please feel good about yourself. You may be superior and independent. Good for you

Am I on the right path with this girl who has very strict parents (10 points)?

Make every effort to spend time with her- without pressure. Perhaps the reason these other guys can't "get with her" is that they are pushing her too hard to make decisions about relationships. If you honestly do like her and can accept her and her family as they are, do your best to show it. If possible, spend time with her in group settings for a while, so that she sees that not only do you want to be with her, but also that when you are around other people, she is where your focus lies. Eventually, when you feel that the time is right for both of you to begin a relationship, you should make it clear to her that you are interested in spending time with her family. This will make it easier for everybody.

Iphone usage in Australia?

You can use one of the free apps listed in the link below to find the password to wifi networks to give your free internet access!

Tampon & Pads Help please?!?

When i try to insert a tampon it doesn't go in far enough so it feels uncomfy and sore, i don't like wearing pads because i feel self cautious incase i leak, do you know any ways of protecting your pants? i use a plastic inserter if that helps. I do a lot of dancing so i don't want to wear pads incase the slide to the side or up or anything. Please help!

Weeeeeeeeeddddddddd addiction?

My boyfriend's addicted to weed, normally I wouldn't try an act like such a controlling girlfriend, i don't believe in relationships where someone is taking something away from you i believe that if you are unhappy with that person and what they are doing then you should leave but sometimes it's not always that easy and i don't like to do this without trying to help that person. So, i am trying to help. I have already broken up once with him but we decided to get back together. He truly is a great guy aside from his weed addiction and i don't think it is worth losing every other good quality he has just because he smokes weed too much i left him once for that but couldn't get over him and if weed wasn't in the picture things really could be a lot better. I just want to help him but nothing i do is working. I've gotten mad, i've yelled, iv'e ignored it, iv'e tolerated it for a long long time, i've calmly tried to help him discover why it is he is so dependent on it and how he transformed so dramatically since i met him on the subject of weed. I know telling someone to quit just won't work until they really wanna do it for themselves but there's got to be another way. I've been mean and i've been nice and no conversation does anything. He went from never smoking anything to trying it here and there to doing it at parties and my best friends smoke weed then i started noticing all of his friends smoking weed so now everyone he knows smokes and it is too difficult to get him out of this environment im not saying don't be with your friends just do something else for a change. Now he spends hundreds of dollars on weed and accessories vaporizers, grinders, bongs, bowls, trinkets that like roll a J for you in two seconds...he works goes to school then blazes with his friends and listens to music or plays videogames about at school out of state but am transferring back home next year and im not around to be with him but still EVERYtime i call him hes in the car or at his friends house "chillin" which means smoking and its L-I-T-E-R-A-L-LY every single day...he never wants to talk about much of anything else and never really has much to share except anything related to weed which gets extremely boring. He spends most of his time researching new equipment for it or looking at cartoons about it or watching movies about it. He has a very obsessive personality and once he likes something he likes everything about it and its never-ending. I never told him he had to quit and never cared that he quit entirely i smoke weed occassionally too but i can also pass up an opportuinity anytime i want and do often and smoke like here and there i don't live by it...he does and its just not good.what can i do......meanwhile he still gets straight A's so im proud of that and he has a job and is on time blah like its not interfering with anything except his social life but its all he does and i can't see him quitting ever...what can i do...have you been in this situation? I am starting to believe we are not going to last because of this but this is our second try and were supposed to go to school together next year and its supposed to be awesome but i really don't see it being a happy experience because of this and btw im not going to school just for him so i don't need comments about switching schools for a relationship...if that were the case i wouldn't have left for a year in the first place...but anyways...please help. thank you

What do you when you catch a good-looking man staring at you a lot?

He's 30-something and I'm only 18. I find him attractive and don't know how to tell him, or even if I should. He's very kind to me, keeps buying me little trinkets. My dad and him have been friends for years.

Philosophy: What is your interpretation of my lyrics?

Sounds to me like a typical shattered teenager trying to find themselves as they realize how messed up the world is. There is some interesting phrasing that is difficult to interpret, and that's a good thing. People like that. Overall, I'd say keep it up.

What is wrong with me?

So at my job a few days ago they decided to give out these certificates as well as some cheap trinkets to all of the employees. It was my day off when they passed out this stuff. So I haven't received any of the things the other employees have. For some reason it's really gotten me depressed. I think it's because when I was going to school and they would do little morale boosters like that I always would get looked over, and would have to remind the teacher that I didn't get my trinket. So am I just being childish ?

Any good japanese websites where you can buy candy and toys?

i really like japanese candy and there toys. is there any GOOD websites where you can order that stuff? also do you know of any cool japanese trinkets or toys? preferably hello kitty?? thanxx

Need advice regarding sunbeds.?

NEVER USE SUNBEDS! Tanning beds have high levels of UV rays, which are carcinogens for skin cancers, especially melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer and using a tanning bed can increase your chances of getting melanoma by about 75% if I'm correct. Melanoma can also develop in already existing moles, so I wouldn't take any risks.

Why was invader zim canceled?

Because the idiots at Nick have supposedly come up with a 'better cartoon' than invader zim and they have too many shows so they have to eliminate old/ ratings are marginal shows. Sorry but im assuming thats true. WHY DID THEY CANCEL DRAKE AND JOSH!!!???

When will i start seeing weight loss results?

i'd say 1-3 months. it may fluctuate between then but you will start to see results by the first month at the least

Can I purchase a Sky Box Office sport event and change channel then return to it later?

We have just purchased a sky box office sports event which has began, however the actual main event does not begin for a couple of hours. Would I be able to watch other channels and return to the event at a later time or do I have to remain on the sky box office channel for the duration of the event from start to finish?

Where and how is the best way to hang a chinese five-clawed dragon symbol?

I participated in a raffle saturday and won a chinese five-clawed dragon metal symbol with 3 chinese coins under it and red string keeping everything together. It's the kind of trinket one hangs from some place, similar to wind-chimes. The thing is I REALLY like it and, though I'm not superstitious, I wouldn't want to commit any feng shui error, and would hope to be able to use it to its potential. So can anyone tell me where is the best place to hang it or how exactly one places it?

Will David Haye even leave the ring?

you might as well have put it in the injury section,as Haye is all of a sudden blaming his loss on a broken toe from over 3 weeks ago???????

Where can i get the exploding fireworks the go in the sky?

i live in conneticut in new britain idk where can i get fireworks because july 4th is tomarrow i need them

My boyfriend isn't in love with me yet?

I've been with my boyfriend for about a year now, and I know I'm in love with him. I've told him a few times but have never heard it back. I let it go for a while but finally asked about it last night. He said he knew I was going to say something soon, and that he doesn't say it unless he 100% means it. He said don't take it the wrong way but he just doesn't feel it yet. He's only ever said it to 2 girls he's dated before, and I guess that means he's being cautious because those two girls treated him pretty badly in the end. I told him it was okay, and that all I wanted was to know. I told him that I've been very happy with him and that I'm glad we have each other. He ended up saying that he was glad we found each other too. I'm not too worried about it, I just hope that one day he does feel the same way. Should I be worried? He's 26 and I'm 25 btw.

I don't feel like myself. Could it be because of "love"?

Wow, sounds just like my ex who is 39. His life didn't turn out how he wanted and he was very negative. It sounds to me like he is using you for sex, if he loved you truly you'd never have to doubt it (this I now know.) Trust your female intuition and move on like you want to, there's no way a man twice your age can respect you like you need (though I know how NICE it is t date someone much older because young dudes are not serious enough... maybe aim for a 28 year old) You're still young and have much growing to experience. Life is long, enjoy being young and making mistakes (it's how we learn.)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

An inexpensive candy or trinket from the 90s?

Im doing a history project presenting the 1990s and i need something i can give to the people in my class. the group before us did the 1950s and they passed out a mini bag of peanut m&ms to everyone because they were invented in the 50s.

Need nail polish advice!!!?

Hi all! Going to a swim party!!! I have a great new suit that is turquoise/sky blueish..... It's a strapless one piece so lots of color!!!! For my nails I'm def getting pink and white done...... But any suggestions on a toe nail color??????

I'll just tell you my love life and you can give me opinions?

Wait, what? So you checked guys out, big deal. Okay, don't go through people's lockers again - invasion of privacy man! - but just hang in there, you'll find a guy for you. I'm guessing you live in the same kind of town I do... Where it's like a crime to be gay or to be different. It's not wrong. It's never wrong to love someone!

U.F.O.s over Jeruselem? or were they a cruel hoax?

The Jewish Historian Josephus records that when the mighty Roman Legions were besieging Judea, Chariots and flying soldiers were seen in the skies over Judea rushing to and fro. The Romans were unfazed and continued their campaign. Josephus tells us Jerusalem had become a cess pit of corruption and wickedness, Rome was sweeping the floors clean for a fresh beginning. But who or what were the people and objects seen in the skies over Judea? One suggestion is that they were a cruel hoax played on the Jewish people. Just as Jews had been deceived into rejecting Christ, the beings in the sky deceived them into thinking God was sending help against the Juggernaut of Rome. Trying to hold out against Roman power would bring extreme suffering on any people hold up in a Town, (it certainly did), just what the deceivers wanted? We can be be fairly sure these sky people and their chariots were real, they were widely reported (even by Romans, who shrugged them off with typical Roman tenacity of purpose). Who do you think the sky people were?

What is going on in my pants?

i would not shave now, let the irritation heal. could be ingrown hair that had become infected. watch that it doesnt get worse. perhaps just put neosporin on that spot and an anti itch medicine on the other parts. if no improvement you might have to see a doctor for topical or oral antibotics

Where Could I Sell Some Of My Old Stuff?

i have loads of junk in my room, everything from old books, cds, dvds, trinkets and trash i want to get rid of. is there one place i could flog it all, if not can som1 suggest where i could sell individual things. PLZ HELP ME

Help with feral kitten?

they will be fine. they hiss to tell each other o stay away. a growl is a serious warning and i am sure she is all ears for that. feed them in separate locations. it was evans house first. she is the intruder. she was ferral and is not used to being handled and will get over it if you are kind and loving and dont scare her.she will eventually learn to trust you if you put alot of time into her. do not forget about evan. i am sure he is jealous because he views you as his an resents the intruder even if at times he is happy to have a buddy. food and you are his property and sounds like he is making that known. they are still tiny but do not ever get in the middle of a cat firght. if they do get in a scrap spray some water or separate with a long broom taking care not to hurt them if yelling loudly and clappng hands does not distract them . cat bites are nasty and hurt and can get infected very easily because they are puncture wounds and if they are bad enough to make you go to the emergency room we have to report all animal bites and authorities come. they may want to remove your pet for a few days .it is a nightmare .so steer clear of getting in the middle of cat fights. i think they will be fine. have two food and water bowls in different places of the for her one for him to avoid them eating next to each other and fighting over food.two litter boxes is a good idea as well.

Young Adult Book Character Awards......?

Harry should win. 5 Nominees: Percy, Annabeth, Hermione, Ron, and Grover. Of the ones you have...if I could choose my own they'd be a lot different, only Percy and Harry would stay.

Why do people say you are not "manly" if you dont follow football?

Because they want you to buy into the whole scam that they've been fed on since they were children. Football as a game is fine, football as an industry is a whole different ball game (ho ho). It has become a one-way money transfer system from supporters to clubs and players. I fail to see how sitting in a plastic seat in the wind and rain, shouting abuse at people who can't hear you and in any case don't care, makes one "manly". In my book it makes one a mug. It never fails to make me smile, watching the masses of baying morons in pubs shouting at a screen and referring to teams as "you" or "we", I wonder if the teams ripping these people off week in week out use "we" in the same way. If these people put as much effort into fighting for a better society as they do fighting with each other over something so utterly pointless, we'd be getting somewhere. Being manly is having the courage of your convictions and not doing things that others do because you feel pressurised into them, that's for sheep. In any case, teams are transient at best and don't give a real reflection of the abilities of people from the area they represent, surely to play for Yeovil for example, you should actually be from Yeovil, otherwise it becomes a case of the richest win and the game loses its meaning.

When will the Haye vs Klitschko fight be on sky sports? Not box office but just normal sky sports?

not the biggest boxing fan so not gonna pay to watch the match but just wondering if it will be on sky in a couple of weeks?

Which name sounds better?

im writing a novel, and i cant choose a good name for her. her last name is Walker. i've already thought of Mio, Brandi, Felicity and Holly. She is blonde and just turned 14. she is nice and cautious, not too quick to jump into things. she is rich and lives in a mansion with both parents, brother and dog. (thats just some info about her) So i have another name in mind: Sheba or Sheila. i need opinions, which name sounds better?

I am opening an online accessory shop. Name ideas?

I am opening an accessory shop online, and will be selling purses, jewelry and fun trinkets. Any ideas for catchy name?

Where can I find carving wax?

I'm looking to make a little trinket out of metal, and I wanted to use the lost wax casting process, except I have no idea where I would even start to find that kind of wax. Any ideas?

Good steampunk how to books?

Uh, I don't think there are any books like that, and almost definitely none that give you working steampunk doodads. The aesthetics are covered pretty well all over the internet. Just google 'how to steampunk', there's probably even a Wikihow around.

Rover 45 bumper help?


Strange Weather in Las Vegas?

What your seeing is likely ash that is being produced by forest fires. This is clearly visible on the following loop: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I have an idea for a product..?

a patent will be too expensive. you can try a provisional patent or simply sign an NDA (Non Disclosure agreement with whoever is interested to hear your idea. google Non disclosure agreement templates to find one.

Shaving your legs...?

One day soon, you'll realize that you are big enough to beat her up and she can't make you do jack $hit. Until then, mind your mother.

Korean stores/Asian merchandice stores?

I live in kansas and am looking for asian stores with kpop cds and movies,clothes,and little trinkets. I know there some oriental supermarkets but I want to know if all they sell is food or do they have stuff like what I'm looking for.

If you almost get into a car accident, but avoid the collision, is that still illegal?

I was getting into the turn lane a little late today, and the lady behind me was speeding through to get into the turn lane as well, and when I was turning into it she almost hit me. I realize it was partially my fault for turning in so late, but since she almost hit me from behind (hah) it would've been considered her fault for speeding and not paying attention to my turn signal, right? Well, she wrote down my plates and I'm kind of nervous about her calling the cops about it. Would I be getting in any trouble for ALMOST getting into a collision? I'm normally a cautious driver and I'm just worried about getting a ticket that I can't pay for.

Is this a fine idea for prom?

spell out the word PROM in sticky notes and put it on her car or somewhere that she'll see it immediatley. i found a poster outside my door that said "Will you go to prom with me?" just some ideas. (:

Best friend who wants to date me?

Break up with your boyfriend and hang out with your best friend more, only date your best friend if you fall for him, because if you just date him and don't really feel anything, when you break up you might not be friends anymore and it would ruin everything.

Best bait for midget traps?

I was wondering if in your experience midgets are more attracted to shiny trinkets and doo dads, or 3 parts pixie stick powder to 2 parts splenda?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Does any one know where I can get free promotional items in regards to cancer awareness?

You have to ask companies, preferably local companies, if they would be willing to donate their time/ resources and make t-shirts and cup, etc. for your cancer awareness efforts. Some companies only donate a limited amount of things, others only donate to 501(c)(3) organizations. Ask around, and I'm sure you'll find some company that will be willing to donate. Good luck!

Please Help Me! Is the world ending right now? There is a loud banging and grumbling sound in the sky!?

Outside my house, there is this loud banging and popping sound and grumbling coming from up in the sky. It's been freaking me out since it started. At first I thought it was gun shots and then I got courage and I looked outside and got a slight glimpse and I saw this this red colorful stuff floating up in the air. Then it just blew up and it looked like fire and I thought it was coming towards me so I freaked out and closed the window and ran down stairs to the basement. It's coming from up in the sky! I'm so scared, I'm still down in the basement right now crying and I'm scared to come up. I fear that when I go up I'm going to get hit by the meteor or that the aliens are blowing up the world!

Names for online personalized ceramics shop?

I'm trying to make an online personalized ceramics shop and I can't think of a name. I saw somewhere called The Mud Puddle, and that sounds cool. I think I will be selling plates, giant mugs, piggy banks, and trinket boxes, if that helps at all. Please don't put anything really boring like the pottery place, because that's obvious and I'm looking for a creative name! Thanks, and I appreciate your help!

Is this just ridiculous?

So, I'm turning 17 this month, and I have yet to acquire my driver's license. A lot of that has to do with laziness and not having time to focus on it earlier in the year, but that's another story. So, I have to document 50 hours of driving, with exact dates and amounts of time. Even though I did make sure that I've driven well over 50 hours, I have no clue when I did the driving. I'm planning on just filling out random dates and times, and then getting my dad to sign it. At the bottom, though, it says: "I swear or affirm that the information I have entered on this form is correct. I understand that making a false statement may constitute the crime of perjury." What I'm asking is whether or not that's just there to scare kids into actually driving instead of being lazy. Also if they'd actually make any attempt to accuse someone of perjury, or am I just too cautious?

Should I be afraid of him,or not?

I have a friend,his name's Nicholas.He apprently,can speak to the dead.People at my school avoid him,and he's an out-cast.I used to hang with him alot,but he freaks me out.I seldom hang with him.And when Im in the mall with my friends,and they see him.My friends go elsewhere,and i go and talk to him.And what makes it more wierd,people come up to me and ask me to ask Nicholas to talk to thier dead,mother,father,sister or relative.And they hand me trinkets like,necklaces,dolls,baseball cards etc.And sometimes Nicholas is 100% accurate.Should I be afraid of Nicholas.Is he working with evil,since he's accurate (IDK where he gets his info from.).And should i keep away from him permanently?

I got two speeding tickets during the same week.?

On Tuesday, I was caught doing 76 in a 60. I'm usually a very cautious driver, but I know I got what I deserved. However, I was talking on the phone with my boss heading back to work, when I got pulled over for doing 68 in a 55. I want to go to court for the first one and see if I can get driving school, but this second one I am going to be out of state for the trial date. I'd go to court if I could, but I can't, and I am trying to leave my folks out of this second ticket. If I call in and waive my trial for the second ticket, would it affect the trial for the first ticket? What should I do?

I feel anxious around my everyone, including my family?

I hope that you will realize there is nothing to be afraid of and that no person can judge you therefore there is no reason to fear what they think or say about you because God is in power and he loves you more than the world. its true. I pray the Lord help you

Texas HoldEm transition from online games to real table games?

I am an online poker player of the last 6 months, I usually play tables $500/1000 where I do pretty good but I've never ever played in a real table until recently where I tried a really small table and I was a mess. Turns out I can't handle small tables in real poker? Is that normal or not? On the other hand I think the fact that I am a woman and I tend to be super cautious at first lets people think I am scared or something? Do you think I should quit playing real tables overall or will I get better as the time goes by? Any tips would be more than welcome.

Just started (trying) to run again and..?

Well if your absolutly positive its not your shoes then you can do this exercise to strenghten you shin muscles. Okay so you sit on the ground with your legs out front and you raise your toes towards your hold that for as long as possible try to reach 5 to 10 mins. This should help

Is it true babys fall from the sky?

I saw how on the gringe cute babys started falling from the sky... my mommy told me thats how i came into this world.. is this true?

What if I don't heal in allotted time while in AIT? Are there medical benefits?

I'm in AIT, and was sent home on con leave for stress fract. to the hips. I go back to the base next week (can't wait), but my hips hurt worse then when i came home. I've been off my feet religeously. I've been very nervous about this whole thing, because I am 42 and joined the Army just one week before the age cut-off - so I tried to be extra cautious about not getting injured in BCT. It did sneak up on me, however., but I was able to pass my PT test. (today I can't even imagine attempting to run). Anyway - the doc told me I have 30 days con leave, then 60 days when I get back to recover, and if I don't then I will be medically discharged. I've been reading others' experiences, and some people said they took alot longer than 90 days to heal, so at my age, I've become nervous. I don't want to leave the Army, but if I end up needing the surgery, or if I don't heal within the 90 days allotted, will I receive medical help for my hips afterward?? I read you have to be in for 180 days to get help after, but is that altogether true?? If they decide not to keep me, can I fight to stay in anyway? i don't want to get out of the Army, but if I am forced out, can I expect any further help with my hips?? (those are two seperate scenarios - so I'd like to know what my options are) -- Or does anyone know who I should be asking these questions to? thanks in advance!

How to get rid of body acne?

So I get acne bad on my shoulders and i've tried a lot of acne body washes and none of them seem to do much. I have pretty oily skin and I'm an athlete and workout a lot so I know that contributes to it. It's summer and I don't want to feel self cautious in a tank top. Any suggestions?!

I Am 15 years old. i weigh many calories should i eat a day to maintain my weight (not an athlete)?

i'm just very cautious about my weight,and i don't want to eat to many calories so how many should i eat a day to maintain my current weight which is 160 ibs.? (I don't play sports)

What is a good name for my new online/consignment jewelry sale business?

I make charm bracelets,necklaces, and earrings out of vintage gumball machine charms, in addition to other found items. I craft them into quirky, unusual, bodacious little pieces of found art. So, what are some good names? Hint: I love the words: Bauble, gaudy, trifle, trinket, curio, and junk.

Sex Education. Thoughts?

I can see both sides of the arguement but believe it's more important to teach kids about sex than pretend it doesn't exist. Everyone becomes sexually active so why not treat it as another life skill and educate them about it. If the price of educating them about it is an increase in sex at least they'll know how to protect themselves and what they're getting in to. Sex is a part of life that's kept in the dark for no good reason.

What did this dream mean?

there was a lot about sight in the dream, she made it so the sun wasn't blinding you, told you not to look away. maybe that represents academic knowledge and she does also, or perhaps there's something you're ignoring and she came to mind because of what you recently found out - a teacher might be symbolic of reason or common sense or something. seems like you think she's a good teacher, and maybe portrayed her as a mother in your dream because you have a good student-teacher relationship with her. the football game could represent an upcoming challenge or something, maybe your classes? depends on who the teacher is to you, maybe whether you've had Spanish before or not. it'll make most sense to you really


Its creeping me out!!! Every five seconds theirs a white flash that lights up the ENTIRE sky! Its not fireworks because it lights the whole sky and theirs no sound... PLEASE TELL ME ITS SCARING ME!!!!

What is the deal here, folks?

I was having this barbecue, and it was kind of like a get together for a bunch of old friends. Then, the most delicious looking bottle of barbecue sauce descended from the sky. I tasted some of it, and God appeared before me. He spoke to me, and said "Don't be fooled, mortal! I am nonexistent!", to which I replied "Then how are you speaking to me now?". "I'm not, you're high!" he said. So, my question here today is should I use propane or charcoal on my grill? Thanks ahead of time for your opinions!

Am I on the right path with this girl who has very strict parents (10 points)?

Well, I think you are in a good start Mike and you just used the word "like" instead of "love" so i guess your feeling is still on "getting to know her more" stage. Give more time, take it slowly. Just be sure of what you feel. When you are ready, when "like" becomes "love" already then just simply confess of what you feel. Nothing more, nothing less. If she would tell you to patiently wait like the junior guys, well, that is the best part. That is where the courting really begins and it will start whether you like it or not in there family, in there home Mike. Just be man enough to do it, 99.9% you will have not only her but her parents heart as well. Good luck and God bless.

What do you think of this little nature poem?

Reads nice! Reads very nice. Bravo. S4 reminds me of ancient tragedy. S2 Clouds lower. Good! S5 Darkness and density of water make a continuum. I am impressed friend.

How do I make my Lovebird feel comfortable in my presence?

i bought a female lovebird named Abby the other day,put her in cage and placed her in my bedroom.she's really cautious when i'm around and won't eat unless she's left alone in the room.when i reach my hand inside the cage and try to touch her,she crawls to the other side of the makes me sad that she's so do i make her trust me? :( heeeeelp!

How much is allowed to be in an envelope/how heavy?

I want to send my friend a letter, and I have quite a few little trinkets to go along with it. Just for a regular envelope taken by the mailman, how heavy is it allowed to be? or how much is allowed in it?

Who sings "she thinks I hung the moon and stars over texas" This song came out in 1987-1992.?

I am not sure of the lyrics but it also says in the song that "he could buy her a mansion in the sky and she thinks I hung the moon"

Do you think I should be worried about this cat scratch?

Your body has an amazing immune system (unless otherwise compromised) and you should be fine. You really only need to seek medical attention if it becomes pretty badly infected. Excessive swelling, oozing pus, red streaks running from the scratch

How do you incorporate CGI in a real time movie?

I'm working on a film project and I wanna do like what the Wachowski brothers did in the Matrix. Or like in Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow. My film will have real people in it but I want to use CGI for some backgrounds and FX. How would I dod this. Thanks in advance! I'm not looking at prices right now. I'm sure I'll be able to get anything I need.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why are wild animals like cheetahs, geckos, dolphins, and whales, etc. so calm around humans?

Cheetahs have such a docile nature especially towards us humans and are like really tamed but why is that? Out of all the things i've read, researched and seen with my own two eyes is that cheetahs are very tolerate of us and we don't even have to cower in fear of attack even though we should be cautious at all times towards any "wild" animal regardless of the species but I remember watching big cat diary one time and Simon King was standing right next to a "wild" adult female cheetah and they were face to face without any fear towards one another and the cheetah was actually tolerating him and jumped up on the jeep sitting quietly and peacefully right next to simon but why? and usually when you go to places that contain captive cheetahs you're actually allowed to go in the enclosures with them, their basically like "wild" dolphins on land in a big cat's body lol but why are cheetahs contained with such a docile nature like dolphins and whales matter of fact why do most wild animals tolerate us being in their presents? It's like they love to interact with us....well egyptians have domesticated animals like cheetahs and hyenas and many other "wild" and domesticated animals but why do cheetahs, geckos, bearded dragons, dolphins, and whales, etc. have such a docile nature towards humans?

Calorie question????

I'm trying to lose at least 5 pounds by the fourth of july so I've been being really active and eating better for the last few days. I think I burnt off 200 more calories than I took in today, and I wasn't starving myself I ate three nutritious meals with two snacks. I didn't stop moving all day and it was really fun, but I was wondering if I do this everyday from now on (burning 200 more calories than I'm taking in) will I lose the weight or just stay the same? I know that to lose a pound you have to burn roughly 3,500 calories, is the way I'm doing this healthy, should I take a more cautious approach, or eat more or what. Will I lose any weight at all? should I be more active?

Just how can all of black Africa's "Woes" be blamed on the White man?

I keep hearing that, I just wonder how could that be. Yes, maybe the White man may have taken some of their gold and diamonds, so what, those are just trinkets, tell me that some African in Rwanda wouldn't gladly trade a piece of shiny stuff "diamond" he found stuck between his toes after a day of wondering around in the jungle for a $35 ax from WalMart. Over 1 billion in Africa, only decent places to live are the ones are the ones with Whites living there making them that way. Any Ideas on this. Black Africa the same now as before the White man came there, so can't blame that.

I deeply dislike and resent Pisces?

im a pisces moon too and dont like being one either, but i am able to hide my feelings really well, which i have mastered, and im quite sly too lol, i dont really think i act like a pisces moon because i dont show my sensitive side to anyone, when i have my moments im usually alone. im a gemini sun, so i think i act more like a gemini when it comes to emotions, and geminis seldom show their true emotions

Awesome scrap booking ideas?

Obviously except for the first page and the last page, I like to use the two side by side pages as "one". Try to put pictures on that are the same "theme" eg. horseback riding. Look at the pictures you are going to use for the two pages and see if there is a color (or two) that would go with the pictures. To make your supplies go further: turn the page of paper you are going to use so it is good side facing down. Take a ruler and lightly make a line diagonally. Then cut the paper on the line. So basically you are making two triangles. Then put one triangle on each page on opposite corners. Like one upper left and one lower right. This "ties" your pages together. After you put your pictures on your pages, then you can "embellish" the pages with stickers that coordinate with your subject. Eg. if you are going with the horseback theme, you can use a horse or cowboy hat diecut or stickers of cowboy boots, etc. The more names and dates you can put the more you will remember later. Eg. riding stable name, etc.

Am I on the right path with this girl who has very strict parents (10 points)?

she likes you(in my opinion) but she doesnt know how to express her feelings because of her strict parents. just chat with her online and whenever you might see her parents make a good first impression.dont overreact though. i wish you luck


I want to make him something but I already did like a box of stuff about his personality, filled it with little trinkets that described him. yada yada. I tried a picture book but I figured out there aren't enough pictures of us to fill a book. Any ideas of what I could make him? I can't think of anything.

Is it bad that everything outside looks orange?

Looking outside, it appears that everything seems to have an orange tint to it. I've heard that orange skies can mean bad weather. However, a rather big storm just went through the area, and the doppler radar shows another storm quite south of us. It is currently 9:30pm in northern Indiana. Is there a reason that this is going on?

Looking For Thrills! And Ideas!?

Im bored of everyday life. Im tired of spending my money on video games and wasting my youth. I wanna start "thrill seeking" but on a level of adventure. Things like sky diving, white water rafting, hang gliding. Any other ideas that can be done without any extensive training? Thanks!


dont just not say anything. yall need to talk about this in person if possible. i can understand how you feel but it really depends on how you feel about him and how he feels about you. if he loves you enough he might try to quit. reactions is what you go by

Whats a good digital SLR camera that can...?

Highlight a selective color in a picture, EX: a girl with a blue shirt and blue sky is standing and it only high lights the blue, also not to expensive thanks so much

Would you take this swimming pool survey ?

I'm not exactly sure what your question is, but I got the exact same results as you and it fits me to a T. How you get into a swimming pool reflects your lifestyle, I'm not sure, but it is true.

Help me help my friend with guy issue!?

So my best friend has an unhealthy crush on a complete jerk. I hate him and they both know it. But it doesn't matter that I hate him because she really likes him and thinks she's falling in love with him. Like I said before he's a complete jerk who has no consideration for peoples feelings. He's led her on 3 times and everytime he completely hurt her, but she keeps coming back to him. I'm trying to support her but a lot of times I can't think of things to say. He recently said he loves her, which I know is complete bull and she is cautious also and told him she thinks she's falling in love. He hasn't replied for a while and she's freaking out that he's mad or upset with her and I'm trying to make her feel better but all I can think of saying is stuff like 'can't be hurt if he never loved you' or 'he's just upset that e hasn't bull sh!tted his way all the way through' but of course I can't say that. HELP!

Feedback on Stanford University Medical center in Palo Alto, CA?

Hello, before I undergo In vitro fertilization (an expensive fertility treatment) at Stanford I wanted to ask for feedback from current or former patients. I'm choosing Stanford because their IVF is less expensive than other fertility clinics but still expensive enough for me to be cautious where I spend that type of money. My insurance covers $7000 for fertility , so pretty much I have to just have to pay $5000 out of pocket. From your experience with Stanford do you think I should stay with them or go with a fertility clinic that is a bit more expensive but with better service and worth the money. I'm really taking my time on doing research because fertility treatments can be financially, and emotionally stressing so I would like to alleviate some of that stress by finding a good clinic. Thanks in advanced , your advice is highly appreciated!

I want to get a tattoo in my back shoulder a quote....?

I think that's pretty. Besides its your body not theirs, all that matters is that you like it. Even if you end up not liking it after a few years, it still represents you at this point in your life, like any tattoo does.

Is this Mania or Hypomania?

Hi there. Hope you are well today. I am 24 years old and have been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 3 years for depression.However for over a week now i have been feeling different to my normal self. I can only describe it as being high and elated.I am extremely irritable and I feel so euphoric and ontop of the world and invincible.My thoughts are racing uncontrollably. I have boundless amounts of energy. I haven't slept in days.My speech is very fast and pressured. I have all these ideas flooding through my mind. I feel very productive and creative.My confidence is sky high.I feel like a rich and famous movie star and i have been spending money with unusual extravangance. My family is starting to get worried about me. I see my psychiatrist on Monday and i am going to show her what i have wrote here. Is this mania or hypomania?Thanks

Poem Question??????????????????????…

D). fall. I got that from the phrase about the maple. That means that the maple tree is showing its beautiful color :) I don't get the last phrase though haha.

Which accessories should I wear with this?

I'm going to an amusement park with white shorts and a sky blue scoop neck shirt. Any ideas for accessories or shoes? Thanks!

Are Sky overseas reporters forbidden from wearing sun glasses?

Look at Alex Crawford & Jeremy Thompson for example, you can hardly see their eyes they have been reduced to slits due to the strong sunlight. A good case for compensation I would think. Keep an eye on how often others report while standing in pouring rain or driving snow....WHY!

R&P: What album are you most excited....?

Um I'm most excited for the new Alesana album coming out later in the year. I have no clue what it is called yet but I seriously can't wait. None of their albums have yet to fail me. And their previous album The Emptiness was a great success. Their lyrics are just amazing. :))

I put relaxer on my daughters hair last night, and being the first time we were cautious and only left it?

in the minimum amount of time and the back of here hair did not relax at all, how long do i need to wait before applying the relaxer again to the part that didn't previously relax? she is biracial her hair is fine but extremely curly and its always painful when i brush her hair no matter what products we use to ease the tangled mess!!

Do you keep trinkets and souvenirs from the places you travel to?

Well I don't have this fantastic collection of silverware, table cloths, and linen napkins from NOT helping myself to a *few*

The sky is yellow-orange?

We were supposed to get some sever weather, but it barely rained earlier and there was a lot of thunder and some lighting. As of right now, it's calm, a light breeze, no rain, and no thunder. However about 15 minutes ago outside was all yellow, everything had a yellow tinge. Then it went to a yellow-orange, and now it's like a pink orange. It's completely dark in the house like it would be if it was dark outside, but it's still light out, just pink/orange. What does this mean???????

I got this pot dealer i know to get me some weed i spent $200 he didn't get it but says he will get my money..?

Was buying the weed for me and my friends for a festival, i stayed up late that night waiting for a message to tell me he got it turns out he messaged me 10 mins after i fell asleep. He didnt get it in time and we went to the festival and had a great weekend without the use of or maybe a little bit of marijuana.. After the weekend i got back and decided to go pick up my package or see if he would give my money back. He says he got jumped when he was in town selling weed and he had my package on him.... it is now three months later and after continuously being messed around by this guy i am very stressed. The type of answer i am looking for is not some kind of drug psychology or some ghetto ways to get back at him, i wanna know how i can stop thinking about that money while maintaining my hold on him. At the moment he doesn't know what i am capable of so he is still trying to get my money, or so he says. BUT i cannot stop thinking about it, it is ruining my sleep at night it is interrupting my schoolwork and i am starting to think of doing horrible things to him to get him back. Please someone relieve me of my stress!! btw i know i shouldn't smoke pot while at school but honestly i am doing fine at school. I only smoke pot about every 2 weeks as a stress reliever, i am always cautious when smoking pot and i'm not an aggressive individual.

Guys, I need your help!?

Whats up! These kinds of questions are hard to answer, mostly because you can describe this guy on the outside, how YOU see him, and how he is at school, but theres times when he COULD be completely different when you're not around, and when its just him and his best buds. So it's really hard to tell if this kind of guy would like the kind of person you say you are. Also, I can honestly tell you, that guys can be VERY judgmental, not saying all, not saying the guy you like, but in general there are pricks out there who will throw words around with their friends. I, unfortunately, hang out with a couple of those guys. I do have a story though, one of my "judging" friends used to rant about this girl in his class, how she "looked like this" and "sounded like that" and how annoying she was in class, but now they're pretty close friends. So although he COULD be a person that judges people, doesn't mean you still don't have a chance with him, because people DO change. I know that you said you're uncomfortable around guys, honestly, unless he has TON's of "girl" friends, most guys are really fidgety around girls too. The last thing I'll say is, don't worry too much about it, picturing the personality you described you had, I know a few "girl" friends who have that kind of personality, and my pals and I think they're the funnest people to be around. Sorry that this isn't really an "answer" but I just hope you know, in the end, if things just don't happen to work out with you and him (hoping it does), there are plenty of good-hearted guys out there. HOPE THINGS WORK OUT! =D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What are some websites where you can buy personalized stuff for kids?

my daughter is always mad when we can't find her name on keychains or all those other little trinkets they put kids names on. Are there any websites where you can make your own?


I don't want to buy my boyfriend anything because to me, things that are bought seem very insincere. I want to make him something, but I'm not sure if he'll want it. I made his last birthday gift which was a box of little trinkets that explained everything that I love about him. This year I wanna make him something but I'm not sure what to do. We've been together for almost 13 months now. Any ideas?

Is this Mania or Hypomania?

Hi there. Hope you are well today. I am 24 years old and have been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 3 years for depression.However for over a week now i have been feeling different to my normal self. I can only describe it as being high and elated.I am extremely irritable and I feel so euphoric and ontop of the world and invincible.My thoughts are racing uncontrollably. I have boundless amounts of energy. I haven't slept in days.My speech is very fast and pressured. I have all these ideas flooding through my mind. I feel very productive and creative.My confidence is sky high.I feel like a rich and famous movie star and i have been spending money with unusual extravangance. My family is starting to get worried about me. I see my psychiatrist on Monday and i am going to show her what i have wrote here. Is this mania or hypomania?Thanks

What are those glass things called that have an image lasered into them?

It's like a block of glass with an image floating in the middle of it. When I was little people told me it was lasered in there like that. What's this trinket thingie called? Lasered glass? I have no clue.

Refractor telescope or reflector telescope?

For land use the binocular is definitely your best choice, because it will show an upright image. The binocular will work well in the sky too, especially for many deep sky objects like nebulae and galaxies. For small objects like planets where you want higher magnification, a true astronomical telescope would be better, but that would be less useful for looking at things on the ground due to the inverted (upside down) image it would give.

Cant Boehner see what McConnell is doing to him by putting the debt ceiling deal solely on him?

That's a leftist hack interpretation. I can tell you Cantor walked out of talks because he's smart enough to know agreeing to tax increases will lose the Republicans their base.

Please read my writing and tell me what you think, it would mean a lot?

PUNCTUATION! And form. otherwise very nice. I would suggest a couple of classes. It seems a bit run together.

What was the orange ball in the sky I saw?

So, basically my family rented a house on a lake in wareham Massachusetts , we were sitting by the campfire July 1st watching a few fireworks go off and these orange orbs or balls come out from behind the trees and float across the sky . We watched them for a few minutes. They were like fiery red orbs and not comets or asteroids for sure. Online these UFO's were seen before. I have a picture but I have no idea what it is, Anything helps, thank you!

Please review our baby names list! We're expecting our second child. Please help us?

Wooohaoww, do you realise the kind of abuse he/she is going to get at school with any of those names?

Anyone know anything about watches made from WWII Planes?

My Grandfather gave me a watch that was my Grandmothers. She worked on the military base during the war, and he said that at the time there were thousands of men who worked on the military bases, but only a few females, and because of this she was always receiving hand made trinkets from the soldiers, this watch being her favorite. This watch has a metal band, and says "Manila luzon" on the band, and on two hearts it says "Dottie 1945" (her name was Dorthy). Its a wind watch, and the brand is Elbon. It looks as if "Manila Luzon" was engraved by a professional, and her name and year was engraved by the soldier. My grandfather said that it was made of parts from an old WWII plane. Im thinking perhaps the soldier made it, or he purchased it like this, im not sure. Does anyone know any other information about these kind of watches, or know if this could have any value to it?

Please Help Me! Is the world ending right now? There is a loud banging and grumbling sound in the sky!?

I'm so scared! Outside my house, there is this loud banging and popping sound and grumbling coming from up in the sky! It's been going on for about 45 minutes now! At first I thought it was gun shots and then I got courage and I looked outside and got a slight glimpse and I saw this this red colorful stuff floating up in the air. Then it just blew up and it looked like fire and I thought it was coming towards me so I freaked out and closed the window and ran down stairs to the basement. I'm so scared, I'm still down in the basement right now crying and I'm scared to come up! Please help!!!

Help me! Whats going on!!?

Hi i live in arizona and recently these large grey things are all over the sky! Whats going on!? Im so Scared!

What should i get my bf for his new job?

He is about to be managing a new restuarant and i want to get him something that will ease him up,, maybe even a trinket. But i have no idea what to geT!

OK, I know it's long, but PLEASE read my poem?

wow, I like the imagery in the poem, and the message that you convey of how we have been reduced to mindless drones almost, in front of our computer screens, makes you stop and think...great job.

Are service economies inherently fragile?*Critique of Free Trade*?

The U.S and most of the developed world have essentially become 'service oriented economies' with emancipated manufacturing sectors. Undoubtedly, this economic transition is all a result of free trade and globalization, because manufacturing is cheaper in the third world. I know that according to the law of comparitive advantage it is a good thing for nations to specialize in the products and services that they are more efficient in, but this seems to put America in a weak position. What if Asia decides they don't want to make trinkets for us anymore? What if there was another world war? A lot of 'what ifs' perhaps but the point is valid. I generally consider myself a freetrade advocate but pure free trade doesn't seem to take into account nationalist agenda (ie currency fixing, subsidies, tariffs,etc..). What say you?

I would like to know more about Greek gods and goddesses?

First go on google/ wikipedia. And disregard some of what you know. Libraries are a good place. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, not love. And zeuz is god of the skies, and god of the gods. Get good inormation before you make a site. I as well live Greek mythology so goodluck And have fun!

I need to find out what song was sampled the this beat?

i herd some one sample a song into a hip hop beat and it had lyrics on it that go like this "lets light up the sky like electric raindrops, let the night fall but dont let the rain stop" it also had that song he sampled beat on it. it was on this page beat number 3 "electric raindrops" what im looking for is the song he sampled

What caused my dog's behavior to change in just one day?

I noticed a change in my 7 year old male doberman last morning; he was walking with his head low (when I tried lifting it, he cried out in pain), he would lay down out of nowhere with his head touching the ground for like five seconds and then get back up, I also noticed that when he walked, it seemed like at times he would trip over his front two paws if he wasn't cautious. There are a set of stairs (or steps?) that lead into the house and he would walk up but stumble walking down. He eats with a good appetite and drinks lots of water. I noticed he still responds to sound and follows with his eyes (although they look sad). He recently had a vet's visit (he had an infection and is still on steroids and antibiotics) and he said he's perfectly healthy. If I don't see a change today I will take him again but not until Monday or Tuesday.

Do you like the opening to my story?

I looked up into the serene night sky, the moon shining down at me in all her beauty with the stars dancing and twinkling along with her. Her big, white, light created a beautiful sight. The moon was the only beautiful thing in this city. Pollution filled the air. It smelled of garbage, gasoline, and fast food. Horns honked, sirens blared, people yelled, bottles crashed, and stray dogs barked. Snobby women wearing jewels and fancy clothing walked up and down the streets. Men laughed and shouted, crashing bottles and drinking. Others stood and puffed on cigars or cigarettes. Even my own apartment room isn’t peaceful. Mom’s always crying or yelling. Dad’s always shouting or drinking. The night air was cool, and I shivered. The moon smiled like a mother I never had, sheltering me and protecting me. The silver moonlight shining down on me was her dress, and I was the little child tugging on it, asking for things I knew she would give me.

What to do when you meet yur 1st love after so many yrs?

I happened to meet my first love after almost 22 years,she is a widow now & mywife is under psychiatric treatment,when we saw each other,the same thing happened to both of us,that we still love each other...but as a woman she is very cautious and I dont know what to do..any help seriously...

Whats a stupid phobia of yours?

i'm feeling a bit self-cautious (SP) about my fears of butterflies and flies. What are you odd fears?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Chiwawah puppy (4months) ate an Oreo what shold be done?

When in doubt take your Chihuahua directly to a veterinarian. Chocolate and puppies and kittens don't mix.

Boyfriend's graduation tomorrow... Gift ideas?

I know it's short notice but my boyfriend of 1 year is graduating high school tomorrow. I need to find a little gift to give him after the ceremony! I've been so busy that I completely forgot, so I need to ideas. He is almost 19 and he absolutely loves nature and being in the outdoors. He's a total workout junkie and is obsessed with his car. He also loves home-made gifts, I've made him a collage of all his favorite things, painted him a picture, and wrote him lots of poems, and cookies (of course). I'm completely stumped on what to give him next! It needs to be just a little trinket that I can either make or buy without a hassle since it's on such short notice. Any ideas? :) Your input is much appreciated!

I can't tell what this girl is thinking and could use some advice! stat!?

Dude..... shes using you!! If she cant say she likes you back and everytime shes asks to see you its for sex shes using you!

Do conservatives not understand the benefits of a devalued dollar outweigh the negatives?

A devalued dollar means our exports are more attractive. ie. 5 euro buys 4 USA made trinkets as opposed to only 3 USA made trinkets. Also, a devalued dollar encourages more Americans to buy American where their dollar can stretch further than it could buying imports.

New dog in the house wants to kill my cat?

The economy hit my uncle pretty hard and that put he and his insane psychotic siberian husky in our house. She has dominance issues over everything in the household except for me because I'm the only one brave enough to push her onto her side when she snaps at me. She is almost 12 with as much energy as a puppy and we live in Florida so she can't be outside for long in 100 degrees weather with a winter coat. At first I just kept my cat in my room, but I feel bad now. It's been months now, and she won't even come out of my room. There have been a few incidents where they got into it and the other day I put sky in a room so my cat could come out and when I brought her out she sat at my bedroom door and wailed and rolled around like a child throwing a temper tantrum. There are 3 other dogs in the house that are fine with her, it's just this dog. My cat seems to be going insane, chasing invisible things and meowing excessively. What do I do?

Another odd dream of mine?

Pick out the important one-word details (such as "meteorite", and "hide", for examples) and look them up on a href="" rel="nofollow"

I got "ate out" for the first time?

I'm 17 and my mom has always told me if I got sexually active to tell her and I would get on birth control, etc etc. I haven't had actual "sex" but I received oral for the first time yesterday. My boyfriend isn't the "player" type and he is a really good guy. but I'm still afraid if I could have gotten an STD from oral? I just want to be safe about this, and sometimes I'm just too cautious but I'd rather be that, then not care at all. My bf said he doesn't have any diseases or anything like that, but should I still go get tested incase? Because if he has gave oral in the past to someone else cant that pass on? How could I talk to my mom about this without it being awkward?!