Saturday, August 6, 2011

What if I don't heal in allotted time while in AIT? Are there medical benefits?

I'm in AIT, and was sent home on con leave for stress fract. to the hips. I go back to the base next week (can't wait), but my hips hurt worse then when i came home. I've been off my feet religeously. I've been very nervous about this whole thing, because I am 42 and joined the Army just one week before the age cut-off - so I tried to be extra cautious about not getting injured in BCT. It did sneak up on me, however., but I was able to pass my PT test. (today I can't even imagine attempting to run). Anyway - the doc told me I have 30 days con leave, then 60 days when I get back to recover, and if I don't then I will be medically discharged. I've been reading others' experiences, and some people said they took alot longer than 90 days to heal, so at my age, I've become nervous. I don't want to leave the Army, but if I end up needing the surgery, or if I don't heal within the 90 days allotted, will I receive medical help for my hips afterward?? I read you have to be in for 180 days to get help after, but is that altogether true?? If they decide not to keep me, can I fight to stay in anyway? i don't want to get out of the Army, but if I am forced out, can I expect any further help with my hips?? (those are two seperate scenarios - so I'd like to know what my options are) -- Or does anyone know who I should be asking these questions to? thanks in advance!

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