Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This boy keeps texting me. Does it mean anything?

This boy from my school that I have never talked to before texted me the other night. He said that he got my number from my friend. I thought it was a joke at first because that was seriously the first time that I've ever talked to him so I just ignored the text. A few days later, he texted me again and kept texting me for a while. I wasn't sure if he was joking/making fun of me or just being friendly, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt this time. While he was texting me, he kept saying super weird things, like "I take really long showers" or "I like to buy clothes at Marshalls." Those are normal if I know you, but not someone I'm talking to for the first time, so I sort of started to feel like maybe he was with his friends and they were playing a joke on me. This could make sense because he belongs to what you may call the "popular" group of kids, whereas I do not. He proceeded to text me and then he invited me to hang out with him at the beach some time. I said "maybe we could do that", just trying to be cautious and make sure that I didn't promise I would hang out with him so that I could easily get out of it if I have to. I told my friend that I thought he was making fun of me with his friends, and she said that she doesn't think so because he gets this way when he likes a girl. But I don't see how he would like me if he doesn't even know me! What do you think this all means? Do you think he is being a sincerely friendly guy, who just says some awkward things, or do you think he is playing a joke with his friends? Please help!! I want some opinions before I decide whether or not to hang out with him.

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