Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I spoke to a married friend of mine and actually a bachelor friend of mine gave me similar advice; should I..?

heed this? They know that presently I'm unemployed, and really not in a good place, in terms of what I have to offer a fine attractive single lady - besides being jobless, I am temporarily living at my Dad's place (and I'm in my late 30s) and don't own a vehicle (that's a long story..and now am too broke to buy another one). They tell me I shouldn't let my dire financial and lack-of-employment situation (I'm also laden with credit debt) halt my efforts in chatting up a single lady who may interest me, and see if she'd like to go out on a fun date. I'm unsure - I think the single ladies today (especially those who are in their 20s - sure I don't mind going out with a woman in that age range - and 30s) are very selective on who they will go out with, and deciding factors include how well one is doing, monetarily, etc. Thus, since being unemployed, I've pretty much kept to myself and haven't gone out of my way to ask out any interesting nice ladies. Part of me wants to follow my friends' advice, especially since I always find dating fun and feel that even if doesn't end up well by the end of the night (no chemistry), I'd find to have had an overall better time being out and about with a fine lady than home alone. But the other part says, 'dude, most likely, once she finds out how broke and unemployed you are, forget about hearing from her again'. So, thus, the cautious side is telling me to first land a full time job, move out, buy a car and then and only then, re-activate the dating scene. What do you think?

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