Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Am I being paranoid?? Internet safety question?

I just asked my mom for her email and it was her first initial, full last name, and her zipcode. Ex.jdoe12345@email.com. She has this email on her facebook page as well and not of restrictions. I feel like this is unsafe, because somebody could easily figure out her address. To prove my point, I went to whitepages.com and put in her first initial, last name, and zipcode. Her full address came up as the second entry. While I know it may be a little overly cautious, I feel like you always hear these horror stories where people were targeted online. I guess some people may not even realize it is her zipcode...but my mom lives alone and doesn't have any neighbors. She thinks I'm being crazy. What do you think? Again, I realize the chances of this happening are slim...but it could happen.

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